When I find my bananas getting too ripe I freeze them for later use. Just thaw them in the microwave when you want to use. Here is a recipe for chocolate...
Ahhhh... high school memories! One certain Mr. Brown was my maths teacher and had a great sense of humour. Which was just as well. You see, it was during...
Three delightful flavours get together in this tasty loaf cake, and set each other off nicely. This cake keeps well, and is actually better once it has...
Pumpkin Bread enhanced with real maple syrup and plump golden raisins. This recipe makes a very large loaf that rises well and is a moist bread. I usually...
This cornbread is moist with a pleasant taste of winter squash. Any winter squash will do, but buttenut really brings this dish to life. Butternut squash...
My mom used to always make bran muffins (boxed mix) and threw a banana or nuts in for a change. This sounds just as easy as a mix, but without the extra...
From 750 Best Muffin Recipes. Based on Spain's deep-fried doughnuts, these muffins are outrageously good, without getting out the fryers! Rolling the light...
this recipe went over really well with all the girls that i work with at the office. they have nicked named me "megan the vegan" because everything i make...
This is very different from the usual zucchini loaves. First of all, it bakes into a round loaf and contains wheat. This is one of my favorites. One of...
Called a quick bread because chemical leavening is used rather than yeast. This recipe should work for any standard-sized bread machine with a cake or...
Quick but luxurious and fun for giving. The baking mix makes it quick, while cherries, candy, fruit and nuts make it look festive when cut open. For a...
Open the oven door and the aroma of this fresh baked breakfast bread will have the entire house clamoring into the kitchen. Moist and dense in texture,...
These are what the French call "cakes" - they are little savoury buns or muffins - and are always requested for breakfasts in the Auberge. They are delicious...
Taken from "Crazy Plates" cookbook. Sneaky way to get some vegetable into your diet. Who can say no to chocolate?? UPDATE: I made this again today, for...
A moist and delicious quick bread mix for gift giving! Nothing says "I love you!" better than a gift from the kitchen. And especially one that fills the...
What is it about the combination of citrus and poppyseeds? It seems as if you can't really go wrong when baking with those two elements. This quick bread...
I love monkey bread, so when I saw this muffin variation in our grocery store circular, I knew I had to try them! Delicious, flavorful and oooohhhhh so...
A variation of Applesauce-Raisin Muffins - 1 point per muffin if you are a Weight Watcher! UPDATED 5/10/2009: Since Kellogg's All Bran With Extra Fiber...
This recipe came from Marlene Koch's Splenda Recipes book that I have. It is sugar-free, low fat and low calorie. I added the cream cheese and vanilla...
Yum. Made this recipe up this morning, based on my usual scone recipe, but I goofed with the amount of oats and it was a happy mistake! I hope you like...
Ssshhhhh! The surprises are: 1) the raspberry in the center, and 2) these muffins are good for you, with bran and wheat germ, and no added fats! Don't...
Biscotti is sturdy enough to take to a picnic, but elegant enough to serve at a buffet. This yummy version has the rich taste of caramel. Adapted from...
My favorite recipe for banana bread, and one I didn't see here when I searched. Use the best quality butterscotch chips you can find for this. They partially...